There has been a huge growth in technology and how this is utilised to affect design. This is a growth industry with wide ranging opportunities due to the demand for technical skills.Studying A Level Design and Technology: Product Design will allow you to use your imagination and creativity as you design and project manage a project.You will learn CAD and CAM skills as well as using other relevant technology and software to bring your ideas to life. You will learn core technical, design and manufacturing skills, useful to a future career in disciplines such as engineering and design.
A Level Design & Technology may be studied as part of a full A Level programme of 3 subjects, or a mixed programme of A Levels, BTECs and Cambridge Technicals.General entry requirements:5 GCSEs grade 9-4, including grade 5 or above in English Language, 5 or above in Science and 5 or above in a relevant D&T subject.Relevant D&T subjects include:Product DesignResistant MaterialsEngineering
Farming + Technology
If your job involves applying pesticides in a commercial role then you are legally required by the Plant Protection Products (Sustainable Use) Regulations (2012) to take this qualificationThe candidate to successfully complete and pass the online e-volve test before they can register for any of the…
Farming + Technology
If your job involves applying pesticides in a commercial role then you are legally required by the Plant Protection Products (Sustainable Use) Regulations (2012) to take this qualification. The candidate to successfully complete and pass the online e-volve test before they can register for any of…
Farming + Technology
Start dates may vary
Keeper & Aquarist, Level 3. The course covers exhibit maintenance, feeding & diets, knowledge of habitats and species’ natural history, animal behaviour & population management, health and welfare of animals, working with visitors, research projects and the role of zoos in conservation.
Farming + Technology
Start dates may vary
Animal Care & Welfare Assistant, Level 2. Routine animal husbandry and care of domestic and/or wild animals, suitable for a variety of job situations such as kennel/cattery assistant, animal welfare assistant, wildlife rehabilitation assistant, animal handler, veterinary care assistant, pet retail…
Agriculture Apprenticeships Information Evening
Business Bites Coffee Morning
Sustainability Leadership in Education webinar